14 Nov 2017
This is my Powershell profile.
Getting Started
- Installation process: clone or copy to $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell. Or just cherry pick pieces.
# run as administrator
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- Software dependencies: Windows 10, 8 or 7
- Read about Posh-Git if you are a Git user – GitHub, Better Git with PowerShell - You’ve been Haacked
- The Profile is a good place for command line aliases for commands not included in Powershell. Examples are like Windows cmd commands, shortened commands to save on typing.
- For longer aliases or commands, Powershell functions work well. Look at Remove-Service in the Profile for an example of a missing Powershell command.
- Keep in mind – if the Profile gets too bloated Powershell start up is slow. Running ngen.ps1 can shorten the PowerShell startup as well as other dotNet apps.
- Approved Verbs for PowerShell Commands
# run Get-InstalledModule for a list of installed modules
# ######## sample output ########
# Version Name Repository Description
# ------- ---- ---------- -----------
# newtonsoft.json PSGallery Serialize/Deserialize Json
# 2.0.223 oh-my-posh PSGallery Theming capabilities
# PackageManagement PSGallery PackageManagement
# 0.7.1 posh-docker PSGallery Powershell tab completion
# 0.7.3 posh-git PSGallery Provides prompt with Git status
# 1.6.6 PowerShellGet PSGallery PowerShell module with commands
# run Set-PSRepository to trust PSGallery
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
# run Install-Module to install the modules
Install-Module posh-git
# run to update modules
Update-Module PowerShellGet
- Provide feedback or suggestions.
19 Sep 2017
This is a PowerShell script to backup dot files and directories on Windows.
WARNING dot files can contain sensitive information. Do not clone to a public repo!
- Clone this repo.
- Edit the backup_list.txt file. Add your dot files.
- Run posh_backup_dot_files.ps1
- The script copies dot files and directories to the ./backup subdirectory.
- It checks for changes and uses git to add and commit the changes.
- If your dot files contain sensitive information do not clone to a public repository.
Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
12 Jul 2017
Companies work from Excel, Word and other files on network shared folders. More than one user cannot usually work on these files at the same time. Time is lost tracking down who has the file locked.
It can be hard to see who has a file locked. Sometimes Excel or Word shows who. But not always. Other files like shared PDF’s and CAD file types do not help much.
One way to see who locked a file is from the Windows file server as Administrator. Not practical for security reasons.
This tool has two parts:
- A watcher that checks for locked files. The watcher uses a search list for watched files and folders.
- A web server that displays the locked files and who locked them. No need for special access. Just check a web page.
Quick setup
- Clone or download and extract this Github repo to a folder on the file server.
- Make sure NodeJS and npm are installed and on the PATH. Open a command line to the repo location and run npm install to initialize.
- From the same command line start the web server – npm start. By default it runs on port 80 so if that is a problem edit package.json scripts/start. Visit http://fileserver-name.
- In a separate command line start File lock watcher npm run watch [requires Administrator privledges]